

I’ve researched dog breeds for countless hours.  And once I knew that the Irish Wolfhound was going to be the perfect side-kick for me, I spent countless MORE hours researching breeders.  Natalie’s company Cu Faoil, has far surpassed my expectations of not only the breed itself, but also the process of purchasing and acquiring my sweet puppy.  Just to reiterate thanks and admiration for the quality of puppy, I’ve bombarded poor Natalie with pictures and texts from the day that I first picked up my beautiful hound.

Natalie was so patient with all of my questions and follow ups.  Even now that my puppy is almost 5 months old, I’m still being provided with the same timely and genuine follow-up to any communications regarding my dog.

Cu Faoil has provided exactly what I was hoping for:  perfect customer service, reasonable price, and a dog that is so physically recognizable as an AKC Standard Wolfhound, that at only 3 months old, dog enthusiasts recognized her breed from several feet away, and… of course, the most important attributes of this rare giant:  unbelievable loyalty, extremely friendly, and intelligent enough to perform tricks on stage at only 3.5 months old when she was cast as “Willoughby” in our community theatre’s production of “Mary Poppins”. Quite simply this silly, beautiful and extraordinary hound is my joy and my best friend.

Now the only question that remains is “Will one be enough?!”  LOL